What are we up to?
Get Involved!

Theology on Tap
Teaching the Minds
Monthly keynote speakers covering a wide range of current events and important issues - giving us the Catholic Perspective on today's world; all while eating and drinking at your favorite local venues!

"Mass on the Grass"
Monthly Communion on Campus
Mass is the highest prayer of the Catholic church. Mass is offered once a month on campus at Sweetheart Circle. Sunny skies, light breezes, and communion with all your friends - what more could you ask for?? Come toss around the frisbee, play Spikeball with us, or just lay your blanket down during this afternoon break between classes.

Liturgical Volunteering
Demonstrate your Servant Leadership
There is a special college Mass offered every Sunday at 5:00 PM. Students of Georgia Southern University are invited to be a part of our eucharistic ministry. These college Masses every Sunday are held entirely by our Georgia Southern Students; from lectors to ushers, Eucharistic Ministers, and altar servers, you too can help keep our masses running with your donated time. Sign up below for further information on volunteer positions and band/choir information.

Volunteer Opportunities
Log in those MyInvolvement hours
We are committed to serving the larger community. Every month we invite students to be involved in outreach to our soup kitchen, nursing homes, assisting living facilities, and other non-profit charities and organizations. We want to be a community dedicated organization in serving others; you are invited to join us in supporting local and larger causes.

Bi-weekly Fellowship Thursday
Fellowship through Prayer
Every other week you will be invited to meet other Catholic students. Community "Fellowship Thursdays" are a time to fellowship, eat and drink, and close out the day with night prayer taken from the liturgy of the hours. Make new friends and grow in prayer!

Eucharistic Adoration
Nothing like a good Holy Hour
Adoration of the blessed sacrament is a way to be close to the heart of Jesus. Every day we offer adoration along with confession on Tuesdays. Join us in the presence of the eucharistic Christ. We invite you to accompany us in the presence of Jesus, take time to have a one-on-one conversation with the Lord. The occasional live music will help you settle your heart and have fruitful prayer.

Mass Band and Choir
Pray through Music
Show off your talents by joining our music ministry! Your musical talents will help us worship the Lord worthily every Sunday. Start up a talented and dedicated group to lead worship for our Sunday 5:00 PM College Masses.

Priesthood 101 & 201
Take the time to discern your Vocation
Besides going to school, college students also get a
chance for 6 weeks to learn about the life of a priest in Priesthood 101.